

Dec 14, 2023

How To Earn Experience In Texas Chain Saw Massacre

In Texas Chain Saw Massacre, players can take on the role of a horrifying killer or a desperate survivor as they experience the terrors of the TCSM franchise, now in game form. But, to level up characters and perks in the game and progress, you'll need to gain some experience points.

The more XP you earn during trials, the more you'll be able to progress, much like in other asymmetrical titles such as Dead by Daylight. But how do you gain experience? What activities can help you get more experience in TCSM? These are some common questions from those who are new to the game. But fear not because we're here to help.

Earning experience in Texas Chain Saw Massacre will come naturally as you play games; completing objectives and playing to win will help you rack up the experience points in no time. You can then use those experience points to purchase new perk tiers.

While you'll earn experience just for playing the game normally, it's important to know which actions will earn you experience in TCSM so you can prioritize completing them often. Different objectives will earn you EXP as a family member and survivor.

Here's a deeper look at all of the ways to earn experience points in Texas Chain Saw Massacre.

In other words, you'll want to play to your win condition and successfully survive as a survivor or kill survivors as a family member if you want to get as much experience as possible.

Those are all the methods you can use to earn more experience in Texas Chain Saw Massacre and level up your characters and account. By playing more games and completing objectives, you'll be able to gain enough experience points to level up your characters and perks in no time.

Cole is a Staff Writer at GINX Esports TV based in the United States. He's a lover of all things horror and particularly loves old horror games like Silent Hill and Resident Evil. You can also find him writing about Dead by Daylight and a slew of other games. Outside of writing for GINX, Cole loves cooking and his two cats. You can contact Cole for pitches at [email protected].

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